Meet the Team


Dr Raj Sinha

Dr Mandala Rao

Dr Jyothi Navale

Dr Adam Syed


Dr Steven Roberts


Dr Anita D’mello


Dr Gagandeep Raulia


Nursing Team

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Covering telephone and face to face triage, the Advance Nurse Practitioner (ANP) can assess and treat minor ailments and injuries in patients over the age of two year. ANP’s can also issue prescriptions within expertise and protocols for minor ailments etc.



Practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice, blood pressure checks, spirometry checks, ECGs. The practice nurses run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes, minor ailments and carry out cervical smears.

She provides Diabetic specialist nursing clinics with our lead GP Dr Sinha. She also covers chronic disease management for Asthma and COPD .

Jackie Hayward


Healthcare Assistants/Phlebotomists

Phlebotomists/Healthcare assistants support practice nurses with their daily work and carry out tasks such as phlebotomy (drawing blood), blood pressure measurement, flu vaccinations & B12 injections. They may act as a chaperone when a patient or doctor requests one.


Practice Team

Practice Management

The Practice Manager is involved in managing all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises and equipment and information technology. The practice manager supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.

Practice Manager

If you would like to leave any comments, suggestions or complaints about the practice or the team then please address these to Helen Hatcher, Practice Manager who will be in touch within 3 working days of receipt.


Receptionists provide an important link for patients with the practice and are your initial contact point for general enquiries. They can provide basic information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. Receptionists make most of the patient appointments with the GPs and nurses. They also perform other important tasks such as issuing repeat prescriptions and dealing with prescription enquiries.

Emma B






Our dedicated team of administrators cover a vast array of duties ranging from registrations, clinical coding, summarising patient records, patient recall system, insurance reports, document management and medical referrals.

Operations Manager

Attached Team

Clinical Pharmacist, Working with us every Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday

Matt Jones

Clinical Pharmacist, working with us every Tuesday,Thursday evening and Saturday morning remotely


Gossops Green Medical are pleased to announce the First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) Service in now live. This service will allow patients to receive input from an expert in the first instance. First contact physiotherapists are advanced physiotherapists who can manage and treat musculoskeletal problems which means you may not need to see a GP.

Carers Support Worker

Ann Boss, Carers Support Worker visits the Practice on a weekly basis. She can be left a message at the surgery or can be contacted at her office on 0300 028 8888. If you look after someone that could not manage without help, partner, relative, child, neighbour or friend who has a long term illness or is disabled or frail then the Carers Support Service is here to help you. Please let your doctor, nurse or reception know and they will put you in touch with the service so you don’t miss out on services, support, advice and benefits available that could help you.

Community Midwives

To contact the Midwives call 01293 600300 ext 3631

Community Nurses

This service provides nursing care, primarily in the home. The nurses do also see patients for dressings and suture removal at the Walk in Centre, Crawley Hospital. Community Nursing services, One Call service – Tel 01293 228311.

Health Visitors

A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing. The team can be contacted by ringing 01273 696011 ext 6860.